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The Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

Written by Palmetto Dental Arts | Feb 21, 2024 3:29:41 PM

Every February for the past fifty-seven years, the United States has placed the spotlight on heart health, America’s number one cause of death. It is also a good time to remember that research has shown that the bacteria and inflammation associated with these oral health problems can possibly contribute to the development of heart disease. Since 1989, when the landmark study reporting this finding was published, dentists have stressed to their patients the importance of maintaining healthy teeth and gums as one of the several strategies to support cardiovascular health.

Oral Wellness

There is a strong emphasis today on wellness and well-being. However, often left out of this discussion is oral wellness. Oral health includes the well-being of your teeth, gums, and the surrounding structures that enable you to smile, speak, and chew.

The key components include:

  • Tooth Health. It involves preventing and treating tooth decay and cavities and maintaining strong and healthy teeth.
  • Gum Health. It focuses on preventing and treating gingivitis and periodontitis. Severe gum disease often results in tooth loss and other health issues.
  • Oral Hygiene. Regular practices such as brushing, flossing, and using mouthwash to remove plaque and bacteria help prevent decay and disease.
  • Diet. Eating a balanced diet low in sugar, which includes vitamins and minerals, supports oral health by decreasing the likelihood of dental decay and gum disease.
  • Regular Dental Visits. Routine check-ups and cleanings by a dental professional help monitor and maintain oral health, detect problems early, and provide treatment as necessary.
  • Oral Cancer Screening. Regular screenings for signs of oral cancer are important, especially for individuals who use tobacco or have a high risk of the disease.
  • Saliva Production. Adequate saliva is essential for neutralizing acids, digesting food, and reducing the growth of bacteria, thus preventing decay.
  • Avoidance of Harmful Practices. Reduce or avoid tobacco use, excessive alcohol consumption, and other behaviors that can harm oral tissues.
  • Managing Damaging Habits. Resolving habits such as nail biting, bruxism, or clenching are essential to protecting the structure of your teeth and avoiding problems such as muscle pain and tooth fractures.
  • Proper teeth alignment. Teeth in the proper position help you have a balanced and attractive smile. Additionally, when your teeth bite together evenly, you can chew more effectively and prevent possible damage that requires dental treatment.
  • Protection from Injury. Using mouthguards during sports and other activities can prevent dental injuries, including broken or lost teeth.

Oral Disease

Oral disease includes a range of conditions that can affect any part of your mouth and surrounding structures, including teeth, gums, oral mucosa, bones, joints, and muscles. These diseases not only cause significant discomfort and impair function but can also have profound effects on your overall health, including heart disease.

Understanding the scope and consequences of oral disease helps you understand the importance of prevention and early treatment.

Types of Oral Diseases

  • Dental Caries (Tooth decay). This is the most common form of oral disease, resulting from the demineralization of tooth enamel by acids produced by bacteria that digest sugar in the mouth. Untreated dental caries can lead to discomfort, tooth abscess, and possible extraction.
  • Periodontal Diseases. Gum disease is caused by chronic bacterial invasion of the soft tissues surrounding your teeth. Periodontitis, the more severe form, can result in tooth extraction and has been associated with systemic health issues, including heart disease and diabetes.
  • Oral Cancer. This serious condition can occur in any part of the mouth or throat. Early detection is crucial for successful treatment.
  • Oral Candidiasis (Thrush). This fungal infection can cause white lesions, redness, and discomfort, often accompanying weakened immune systems.
  • Halitosis (Bad breath). Bad breath often results from poor oral hygiene, gum diseases, or food particles remaining in the mouth. A more serious underlying health issue can also cause it.
  • Xerostomia (Dry mouth). A lack of saliva can lead to eating and speaking difficulties, increased tooth decay, and oral infections.
  • TMD (TMJ). Conditions affecting the temporomandibular joint (the hinge connecting the jaw to the skull) can cause pain in your face, jaws, and the muscles that control jaw movement.

What Is Heart Disease?

Heart disease encompasses several cardiovascular conditions that harm the heart's structure and function. These diseases lead to significant health concerns and are a leading cause of death worldwide.

Understanding the various forms of heart disease is crucial for recognizing symptoms, managing risk factors, and seeking appropriate treatment.

Types of Heart Disease

  • Coronary Artery Disease (CAD) is caused by plaque buildup in arteries, which can lower the blood flow to the heart muscle.
  • Heart Attack (Myocardial Infarction) occurs when a blood clot blocks blood flow to a part of the heart muscle. This blockage causes damage to the heart due to lack of oxygen.
  • Heart Failure is a condition in which the heart cannot pump blood as well as it should, resulting in symptoms like shortness of breath and fatigue.
  • Arrhythmias, or abnormal heart rhythms, can cause the heart to beat too fast, too slow, or irregularly. This can affect how well your heart works.
  • Valvular Heart Disease involves damage or a defect in one of the four heart valves, affecting blood flow through the heart.
  • Cardiomyopathy is a heart muscle disease that makes it harder for the heart to pump blood to the rest of the body.
  • Congenital Heart Defects, or malformations of the heart's structures present at birth, can affect the normal flow of blood through the heart.

Several factors influence heart diseases, such as genetics, lifestyle choices ( diet, exercise, smoking, etc.), and other conditions like hypertension and diabetes. Prevention and management strategies focus on controlling these risk factors, adopting a healthy lifestyle, and undergoing regular medical check-ups to monitor heart health. Awareness and early intervention are vital to managing heart disease effectively.

The Biological Link Between Oral Health and Heart Disease

The medical community has increasingly recognized the complex connection between oral health and heart disease. This link has led to a growing body of research on the systemic impact of oral health conditions, particularly periodontal disease, on heart health. This link is thought to involve two key mechanisms: inflammation and the migration of bacteria from the mouth to the bloodstream.

Oral Inflammation and Its Systemic Effects

Periodontal disease, characterized by swollen, bleeding gums and, in severe cases, tooth loss, is a significant source of chronic inflammation. This inflammation is not confined to the mouth but can enter the bloodstream, prompting the body to mount a systemic inflammatory response. Elevated levels of some inflammatory markers have been linked to an increased risk of heart disease. This systemic inflammation can contribute to forming plaques in the arteries, a hallmark of coronary artery disease.

Oral Bacteria Migration and Arterial Plaque Formation

The oral cavity hosts billions of bacteria, some of which can contribute to periodontal disease. When these bacteria invade the gums, they can enter the bloodstream and attach to fatty plaques in the coronary arteries. This can accelerate the process of atherosclerosis as the immune system responds to these bacterial invaders. The result is more plaque buildup and a narrowing of arteries.

Maintaining Oral Health and Reducing Heart Disease Risk

Preventive measures for maintaining oral health are essential to preventing dental problems and possibly reducing your risk of heart disease. Here are several steps you can take to impact oral and overall health significantly:

Regular Dental Check-ups and Cleanings

Regular visits to your dentist for check-ups and professional cleanings are crucial to minimizing harmful oral inflammation. These appointments help in the early detection and treatment of oral health issues like cavities and periodontal disease before they escalate and potentially impact heart health.

Oral Hygiene Practices

  • Brushing teeth twice daily with fluoride toothpaste.
  • Flossing at least once a day to remove plaque.
  • Consider using an antiseptic mouthwash to help kill bacteria and freshen your breath.
  • Replacing toothbrushes every three to four months or sooner if bristles are frayed.

Dietary Recommendations

  • Limiting sugar intake to reduce the risk of tooth decay and gum disease.
  • Including foods high in vitamins and minerals, such as calcium, vitamin D, vitamin C, and omega-3 fatty acids, to support gum health and overall wellness.

Lifestyle Changes

  • Quit smoking, which is a significant risk factor for gum disease and heart disease.
  • Engage in regular physical activity to help maintain a healthy weight and reduce heart disease risk.
  • Manage stress, which can contribute to both periodontal disease and heart problems.

Understanding the deep interconnection between oral hygiene and heart disease prevention is a strong motivation to adopt these preventive measures and others that promote good oral and cardiovascular health.

Schedule an Appointment

The oral health care professionals at Palmetto Dental Arts are committed to helping you maintain optimal oral health that can help reduce your risk of heart disease and other systemic conditions. To learn more, call us or contact us online.